Vista's Learning

10 Tips for CBSE Class X students

Everyone is aware that such nostalgic school years are sufficient to influence the next sixty years of your life. Of course, the knowledge, lessons, and experiences children gain during their wonderful school experiences have a significant impact on them. We have plotted 10 tips for 10th-class students to help them get success in board exams.

Every chapter, subject, and standard is crucial in shaping a successful individual. While each standard has its own unique significance in one’s life, have you ever wondered why the 10th standard is so special? Class 10th is without a doubt one of the most important formal education standards.

It is the period of life when one goes through turbulent hormonal and psychological changes, signaling the beginning of adulthood. Students tend to mature and stabilize. The most notable feature of class 10th board exams is that it’s the first national external examination for students. As a result, the 10th board results are the most significant thing that can happen to a child of that age. Students have nightmares about taking the board exams. They are as terrified of board exams as they are of their 16th birthday. In the end, however, it is always sheer hard work that pays off in life. Let me now get to the steak of the issue.

Why Are the Results of the 10th Board Important?

During the admissions process, the 10th board results are a determining element to deciding your college. They contribute significantly to a resume and serve as a gauge of a student’s educational success. Numerous elite schools and institutions give unique points to class 10th grades and strongly rely on them when deciding which candidates to admit.

Class 10th preparation tips help to shape careers and change the game. The goal of student research is to identify their areas of interest. They choose their stream based on such information and their exam results.

I think you know why the 10th class is extremely important. Now you can evaluate yourself more accurately & break the barrier of your comfort zone, take the tests at a different location, use a paper created by a different teacher, and receive an evaluation from teachers who are not from the school. You gain the courage to take action by facing an unexpected challenge and wielding power over it.

Here are the top 10 tips for 10th-class students that can help you to achieve a high score on your boards. Read & improvise it.

10 Tips for 10th-Class Students

1 Create an effective study schedule.

Try not to attempt lengthy study sessions. Make a schedule that includes your daily activities. Take a short break every 45-50 minutes of study.

The timetable allows you to devote equal attention to all subjects. A timetable can help you divide your time between subjects. It will also assist you in developing time management skills.

2 Take Specific Notes

You should take notes on the subject matter covered in each class lesson. Taking brief notes while studying and preparing for the board exams will be extremely beneficial.

Important headers and material in your books and notes should be underlined and highlighted so that you can find them quickly. Your notes will be extremely useful in revising when you have less time for your exam. As a result, you should make separate notes for each subject.

3 Prepare a short study plan.

Organize your course material into topics or manageable portions. then prepare them according to your schedule. You’ll be able to comprehend each subject better and more thoroughly.

The small-scale study aids in your ability to quickly memorize portions. You’ll feel more relaxed when studying. Checkout this Youtube channel to know more about such tips.

4 Writing Exercises

Writing practice on a regular basis is the best way to remember information. There are some subjects that are difficult to understand and discuss out loud. For instance, writing and practice are required for classes like accounting, business, physics, chemistry, and arithmetic.

Reading alone is insufficient to excel in these subjects. The majority of students believe that writing practice is the best approach to achieve high results in maths. As you respond to more questions, you will learn more about it. And this is one of the best pieces of advice for preparing for board examinations, whether they are for students in the 10th or 12th grade.

Sort out the crucial parts.

One of the clever works is classifying the syllabus’s significant sections according to the importance of the contents. It is much easier to accomplish your goal if you first study these subjects and have a firm understanding of them.

6 Organise your time.

You must effectively manage your time and avoid overlooking it. Effective time management is essential and can have a big impact on your results. To help with reading comprehension and long-term memory retention, theoretical subjects should be studied first in the morning.

Instead of spending your free time at school on useless things, spend it on sensible subjects. You should devote some time to revising each subject. Before the board exam, review the questions, and use time management strategies to approach the paper to finish it quickly. Don’t think about a particular question any longer.

7 Consume nutritious foods.

Eating nutritious and healthy foods is beneficial to one’s physical health. But do you think it has an effect on your mental health as well? Yes, nutrient-dense food promotes physical and mental development. A healthy mind is essential during board exam season.

8 Sleep is essential.

It is highly recommended that you stay active during exam time. After studying for so long, your body is also tired. As a result, 6-7 hours of uninterrupted sleep is required. It will assist you in achieving the effective body and mind functioning at this critical juncture.

9 Stop studying late at night.

During exam season, do not study until late at night. It will have an impact on your body and mind functions. Late-night studies will shorten your sleeping hours and impair your memory functions. You will also be restless during the day. It is preferable to sleep early and rise early for morning hour studies.

10 Group studies

Group studies are another excellent option that can help you achieve excellent results. It helps with doubt removal and conceptual clarity. Topics are easier to discuss with friends than with strangers. They can assist you in resolving problems and providing better study ideas. The areas where you encounter difficulties are easier to discuss with your friends. They can assist you in sharing their notes which will help you better understand the concepts.

Tips for class 10th students to get success in CBSE Board

Examine the previous year’s question papers.

Students can gain a lot from old test sheets. It was discovered that students who participated in previous years’ quizzes outperformed those who did not on board exams. While keeping the schedule in mind, solve old test questions. Do not take more time than necessary or divide the quiz into multiple steps. It’s pointless.

Consider yourself in a classroom as you begin to solve the page. Examine the situation and respond appropriately. You may struggle at first, but with time and effort, you will undoubtedly improve. The best course of action is to spend ten years practicing foil questioning. For more info, you can check out this Youtube channel.

Revision before the exam should be on top priority 

Another famous quote is, “Practice makes perfect.” When you’ve finished creating each spreadsheet’s curriculum, you must thoroughly evaluate it. As a result, you will be fully prepared to answer all board exam questions. The most important step should be a thorough review of the entire program.

To start the review process, try to complete the study plan as soon as possible before the spreadsheet test. This time, you must thoroughly understand the issue and attempt to solve it on your own. Check out this Youtube Channel if you love animated & fun video tutorials.

Study and practice diagrams

How to achieve a grade of 90 percent in class 10 is to be proficient in your comprehension of diagrams. Students should use diagrams to demonstrate their subject knowledge and comprehension. Creating a clean, labeled diagram can assist in achieving a high grade in CBSE Class 10.


Do not underestimate your ability to rank among the top performers. Don’t put any pressure on yourself. As the pressure mounts, you tend to lose focus, which will eventually affect your performance. Be happy, appreciate yourself, and take breaks, but don’t overestimate yourself. Maintain a balanced diet, including brain foods such as almonds, milk, energy-boosting drinks, juices, and anything else that can improve your overall performance.

With the deep penetration of the Internet in every corner of the country, it’s very easy to use online resources & study material. It will assist students in learning and gaining experience while meeting a variety of learning needs. When used effectively, they assist learners in developing different learning strategies such as tips, tricks & new approaches to solving problems, thereby setting the stage for the process of lifelong learning.

Here Vista’s learning comes into play, we offer a high-quality education to students in grades 8th to 10th. As a result, we offer comprehensive online classes that are specifically designed for this age group.

Our platform offers a range of personalized, interactive, and instructional experiences that aim to enhance student’s skill sets while also making learning more fun. Try us out right now to see how we can help you accomplish your educational goals!

At Vista’s Learning, we consider it important for all students to have access to affordable, high-quality education. To do this, we have introduced online courses costing Rs. 999 for pupils in the first through tenth grades. With engaging co-curricular activity sessions, entertaining video courses, and streamlined study materials that make it simple to understand every idea, we make learning enjoyable and simple.

Check out our website and receive 3 months of FREE live Revision classes to help you prepare for your 10th CBSE exams.

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FAQs on Tips for 10th class students:

How can I be the topper in the 10th Board Exams?

There are some tips to be a topper in the 10th Board exams:

  1. Create an effective study schedule
  2. Write specific study notes for revision at last
  3. Prepare a short study plan
  4. Writing exercises
  5. Sort out the crucial part
  6. Organize your time
  7. Eat nutritious foods
  8. Sleep deeply for 7 hours at least
  9. Prefer group studies
  10. Stop studying late

How many hours should I study to be a topper in the CBSE exam?

It’s not about the study hours. It is all about how concentratedly and productively you study, and make yourself understand the basics of every topic in class 10th.

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